
torsdag 12. september 2013

Smakebiter fra oktoberutgaven av Ett trykk

Det er høst i lufta de fleste steder i landet - og snart dumper høstnummeret vårt ned i postkassene til abonnentene våre også. Bladet kommer i salg i butikkene 1. oktober. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi I was the trykkpressa winner in May and received the June magazine (3/13) but haven't had any since. I have emailed a few times but had no reply and no magazine so I thought I'd leave a comment here. Soon the october issue is out and I haven't had the August one yet!! Could you perhaps look into this. Many thanks Gail

  2. Hi Gail
    Could you be so kind and send an email to stempel'at' I'll try to answer your questions :)

